VVMA Winter CE Conference 2024
Recorded Proceedings Available On-Demand
for All Four Programs

Registration is Open!

Please note:  these recordings will be available for viewing until April 1, 2024

Small Animal: 6 CE hours - Orthopedics -  – Dr. David Dycus, DVM, MS, CCRP, DACVS-SA

Large Animal - Bovine: 6 CE hours - Farm Animal Welfare, Transport, Heat Stress Mitigation, Social Housing – Dr. Jennifer Van Os, PhD, Assistance Professor and Extension Specialist – Animal Welfare, University of Wisconsin- Madison

Large Animal – Equine:  6 CE hours - Hoof health for veterinarians and farriers.  Dr. Stephen O’Grady, DVM, MRCVS

Practice Management: 6 CE hours
All Things Communication with Bash Hallow, CVPM, LVT


Program Details


Dr. Dycus is an internationally recognized speaker who has given more than 200 continuing education lectures around the world and has provided more than 150 hands-on continuing education laboratories.

He has published numerous research articles and authored or co-authored several book chapters. He is the co-editor of the textbook: Complications in Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament Surgery and was named by DVM360.com as one of the 10 veterinarians to watch in 2018. In 2023 he was awarded the DVM360 Veterinary Hero award in surgery.

Dr. Dycus is a frequent contributor for updates in orthopedics to several veterinary websites and magazines. Dr. Dycus has also been featured on Sirius XMs Doctor Radio’s segment on Pet Health and Orthopedics. His passion for teaching has allowed Dr. Dycus to become a laboratory instructor for the CBLO, TPLO, extra-capsular stabilization, medial patella luxation, angular limb deformity, and fracture repair. He is on the faculty for AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen), and he is an orthopedic consultant for VIN (Veterinary Information Network).

Along with being a scientific reviewer for multiple journals, he serves on the editorial review board and is the associate editor (orthopedics) for Veterinary Surgery, the official publication of the American and European Colleges of Veterinary Surgeons. He has previously held an appointment on the research committee for the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. Currently, Dr. Dycus is on the Board of Trustees for the American College of Veterinary Surgeons, is a council member of the Association for Veterinary Orthopedic Research and Education (AVORE), sits on the AO North America Education Committee, and is the educational director for AVORE.

Dr. Dycus attended Mississippi State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine for his veterinary degree, Auburn University for a small animal rotating internship, and Mississippi State for a combined surgical residency and Masters degree. He became a certified canine rehabilitation practitioner through the University of Tennessee in 2015.

Course Description:

The Ortho Exam and How to Get a Diagnosis:
Orthopedic ailments occur frequently in both our young and old patients. The good news is a differential diagnosis list can be developed quickly based on the age of the patient, and the limb affected. However, physically examining our patients is needed to guide the direction for additional diagnostics and treatment. This lecture will focus on how to perform a thorough orthopedic examination quickly. We will explore an examination of the front limb and hind limb paying particular attention to commonly missed signs and problems. The goal is to be able to complete the examination in under 5 minutes and have a great idea of what could possibly be wrong.

Osteoarthritis Updates Part I: The COAST Approach to Diagnosis:
Our profession has always taken a “wait and see” approach to osteoarthritis in our patients. We tend to wait until there are clinical signs or radiographic signs of osteoarthritis before we institute management strategies; thus, taking a “RETRO-active” approach. But what if we could do more to help our patients, or what if we can alter the course of the disease? To do this there must be a shift in our focus on osteoarthritis diagnosis and management to taking a “PRO-active” approach! It is imperative that we begin to utilize diagnostic tools such as the Canine OsteoArthritis Staging Tool (COAST) and begin to think about osteoarthritis as a disease of any age dog, not just in the old dog. Participants should leave with an updated approach on how to recognize early osteoarthritis through the COAST approach.

Osteoarthritis Updates Part II: Thinking Outside the Box for Management:
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the number 1 cause of chronic pain in dogs that requires chronic management. The goal of this presentation is to introduce the “ebb and flow” of OA and to begin thinking outside the box for updated management strategies. The process of prescribing an anti-inflammatory and pain medication is past us, and veterinarians should focus on a multimodal approach. Not all patients are on the same OA spectrum; therefore, not all patients need the same type of management. The presenter will present his approach to management for differing spectrums of OA. Discussion will be spent on pain management, rehabilitation, and joint injections. The goal is for the veterinarian to walk away with new management ideas to use in daily practice as well as to understand the “ebb and flow” of OA.

Tips and Tricks to a Cruciate Tear Diagnosis and a Surgeons Thoughts on Stifle Braces:
Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) ruptures are a common cause of hind limb lameness. While diagnosing a complete CCL tear may seem simple, in some cases the diagnosis can be far from simple. How does one know if a dog has a competent partial tear or an incompetent partial tear? Should the treatment be the same for all partial tears and even complete tears? These questions will be answered as well as the thoughts of a surgeon in regard to a stifle brace. Stifle orthotics have become increasingly popular so time will be spent discussing if orthotics play a role in the management of CCL rupture. Current evidence base, classification, and pros and cons of this new emerging treatment modality will be covered. The information that a practitioner should know when discussing orthotics will be covered in detail. The goals are for the attendee to leave with knowledge in diagnosing CCL rupture and have an understanding of what evidence base exists for stifle orthotics as well as being able to decide on appropriate candidates.

My Patient has a Front Limb Lameness, Now What: Orthopedic Soft Tissue Injuries:
Tired of recurring forelimb lameness that never fully responds to medical management and rest? This presentation is intended to move away from the diagnosis of “a soft tissue injury” and focuses on the common soft tissue injuries from an orthopedic perspective: supraspinatus tendinopathy, biceps tendinopathy, and medial shoulder syndrome. Pathophysiology, orthopedic exam findings, diagnostic modalities, and treatment (including surgical and regenerative medicine) will be covered. The goal is for the veterinarian to be able to diagnose common forelimb orthopedic injuries more specifically as well as know different ways to manage them.

Regenerative Medicine in Orthopedics: What do we know, What do we NOT Know, What do we WISH we Knew
Regenerative medicine is emerging as a possible management option for certain orthopedic conditions. But are we ready for this modality to take center stage? This presentation explores the basic concepts of both platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and stem cell therapy. Before jumping in and using this technology it is wise for the practitioner to understand what PRP and stem cells are. In addition, it is pertinent to understand what we currently know about this technology to learn the limitations, but also to learn where research needs to take us. This presentation will not only cover the basis but will also cover what available evidence is present to help veterinarians make decisions about using regenerative medicine clinically.



Jennifer Van Os is an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Animal Welfare on the faculty of the Department of Animal & Dairy Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Van Os received her PhD in the interdisciplinary Animal Behavior graduate program at the University of California-\Davis and conducted postdoctoral research in the Animal Welfare Program at the University of British Columbia. The research in her lab at UW-Madison focuses on understanding, evaluating, and improving the welfare of dairy animals from biological- and social-science perspectives. The goal of Dr. Van Os’ extension program is to promote best practices in management and housing to help the dairy industry adapt as our scientific knowledge about animal welfare continues to grow.

Course Description:

Farm animal welfare: A key piece of the agriculture sustainability puzzle
Learning objectives: Participants will be able to describe how animal welfare is evaluated in research and on-farm settings as well as the role of both biological- and social-sciences research in informing best management practices and understanding stakeholder perceptions, which shape policy decisions.

Mooving Cows: A revolutionary approach to practicing cow handling skills
Learning objectives: Participants will be able to summarize research on public perceptions of dairy cow handling practices and experience a demonstration of an innovative new tool for dairy staff to practice appropriate cow handling skills.

Cool cows and calves: Heat stress mitigation for dairy cattle of all ages
Learning objectives: Participants will understand heat stress through an animal welfare lens and will be able to evaluate signs of heat stress and determine what heat abatement to provide and when.

Two heads are better than one: Strategies for successful social housing of dairy calves
Learning objectives: Participants will be able to summarize the research on various benefits of pair housing for dairy calf welfare and public perception and will evaluate how example farms could successfully approach pair or group housing of calves.



Dr. Steve O’Grady is both a veterinarian and a professional farrier. He operates Virginia Therapeutic Farriery in Keswick, Virginia which is a referral practice devoted to equine foot disease and therapeutic farriery. Recently, he joined Palm Beach Equine Clinic in Wellington, FL as a consultant in farriery during the Winter Equestrian Festival. He also operates a consulting service where he travels worldwide to treat complicated podiatry cases. He has published over 35 manuscripts in both the national and international peer-reviewed veterinary literature, numerous articles in the farrier journals, written 17 book chapters, and edited two editions of the Veterinary Clinics of North America – Equine Practice: one on equine podiatry and the other on therapeutic farriery - all resulting from his extensive work in equine podiatry. He is a member of the International Equine Veterinarians Hall of Fame and in 2010 received the prestigious AAEP President’s Award for his work in farrier education. In 2019, he was awarded the coveted gold medal from The South African Veterinary Association, and in 2020 received the AAEP’s Distinguished Educator Award.


Course Description:

Form and function of the equine foot
A brief overview of the anatomy and biomechanics of the foot as it pertains to farriery. A thorough understanding of anatomy and biomechanics is essential when applying the basics of farriery.

What constitutes good foot conformation and how do we get there?
Guidelines can be used to consider what constitutes good foot conformation and then farriery principles that can be used to improve or maintain the existing conformation.

The many uses of a modified hoof cast
A new innovative method of applying a hoof cast that affords strength and stability to the hoof capsule without interfering with the normal physiology of the foot.

Inappropriate hind foot conformation - an emerging epidemic in farriery
The ‘bull-nosed’ low heel conformation in the hind foot has become so common, it is considered to be normal. This foot conformation can have an adverse effect on the joints and soft tissue structures in the hind limb and axial skeleton. Two recent papers have shown a correlation between this foot conformation and hind limb lameness.

Understanding barefoot methodology: advantages and limitations
Whether using barefoot methodology to rehabilitate foot conformation/distortions, transitioning the horse from being shod to barefoot or maintaining a competition horse barefoot…it requires an understanding of the methodology and a different approach to the farriery.

Promoting and maintaining a good healthy foot – it begins with the trim!
Proper basic farriery must be combined with the appropriate trim to be successful. Rather than rely on so-called ‘balance’ to trim feet, established farriery principles can be applied to every foot that yields consistent repeatable results.

Sheared heels…a controversial hoof capsule distortion
A sheared heel hoof conformation can cause lameness and has a direct correlation to the formation of a quarter crack. The cause of the hoof capsule is apparent yet may not be understood and the treatment remains controversial among veterinarians and farriers. It can’t be resolved, only maintained.

Radiography as it pertains to farriery




All Things Communication with Bash Halow
Bash is a graduate of the College of William and Mary, a certified veterinary practice manager, and a licensed veterinary technician with 23 years of experience. He is a frequent contributor to DVM 360, Vetted, AAHA Trends, and Today's Veterinary Business. He is a member of the advisory board for the Fetch360 veterinary conferences and has been an invited speaker at all the major U.S. veterinary conferences. In 2018, he addressed the Veterinary Management Association at the House of Lords, in London. Recently, Mr. Halow was the recipient of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association's President‘s Award for management education in the state of Pennsylvania. His company, Halow Consulting, has worked with dozens of corporate and privately owned practices throughout North America

Course Description:

I. and II. Communication in the Age of Stress, Parts 1 and 2, (2 hours)
In this 2-hour-long lecture, data from a recent national survey of veterinary professionals underlines the depth of stress our team members are experiencing and how to shape our conversation with colleagues and clients to encourage peaceful/ operations in our workplace. Also includes the best ways to streamline service.

Learning Goals:
More On The Survey:

  • Data on projected team turnover in the next 3-5 years
  • Forecast for ongoing DVM and credentialed tech shortages

Managing Stress in the Workplace:

  • Common workplace communication failures to avoid
  • Ways to work together that reduce stress

Taking Control of Operations:

  • Reduce the kinds of scheduling scenarios that break us
  •  Latest technology to lighten the workload

III. Design Thinking: A scientifically proven strategy to engage team members in change and improvement.
It took more than 1000 years of candlelight before one man invented a lightbulb. Is it possible for us to rekindle that same kind of inventive thinking in our hospitals and make similar strides forward? The inventors of the meeting process called Design Thinking believe so. In this hour, you'll learn how it's done.

Learning Goals:

• How the largest companies in the world have taken their inspiration from inventors to encourage business-wide ideation on change
• The top reasons team members push back against change and how to respond.
• The template for building a Design Thinking Meeting agenda

IV. Measuring Success: Dissecting your financials and analytics like a pro
Uncomfortable reviewing practice financials and analytics? You won't be anymore! Bash breaks down financial vocabulary, formulas, and metrics for all levels of practice leaders. This is a must-attend lecture for all leaders charged with measuring and evaluating your business's performance.  Includes the latest post-pandemic benchmarks.

Learning Goals:

• Learn the latest post-pandemic benchmarks for performance and profit excellence
• Learn how to dissect your own financial statement and how to normalize it to industry standards
• Familiarize yourself with the accounting skills and terminology so that you can hold your own with accountants and potential buyers.

V. Innovative Hiring and Training: Novel approaches to an age-old process often pockmarked with issues
Despite record-level employee shortages, dramatic new ways employees think about work, and historically bad hiring success rates, we persist in the same hiring and training practices. In this class, you'll learn how to step up your game.

Learning Goals:

• Get a feel for the kind of talent (and technology) that will be available for hire in 2024
• Learn how DISC-styled screening and other automations are streamlining the hiring process
• Teachers and animal trainers are approaching learning much differently than you. In this hour, you'll learn how to incorporate what they're doing as a way to expedite and improve your training practices.

VI. Emotionally Charged Client Conversations
During this time of heightened emotions, it's important that we revisit critical steps to successful conversations with clients who are (or could be) emotionally upset. The lecture covers the critical steps important to dealing with financial hardship, service complaints, interpersonal issues at work, and end-of-life discussions.

Learning Goals:

• To learn the value of entering into a difficult conversation with clear goals.
• To learn how to signal to clients that one is listening and empathetic as a way to secure a client‘s trust
• To inspire thoughtfulness in choosing the best conversational path during a potentially loaded discussion.

Registration Fees 

Register for 2 programs - save 10%; 3 programs - save 20%; 4 programs - save 30%

  1 Program 2 Programs 3 Programs 4 Programs
Members $250 $450 $600 $700
Lifetime Members and Recent Graduates $200 $360 $480 $560
Non-member Veterinarians $350 $630 $840 $980
Non-veterinarians $200 $360 $480 $560
Retired Members $200 $360 $480 $560


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